For Asset Managers

Citizen Shareholders is a radical new approach to ethical investing. It is a fintech - it provides a service to asset managers that converts any collective investment, active or passive, into an ethically-engaged impact fund by transforming indirect shareholders into citizen shareholders.

As well as voting at General Meetings of Shareholders, your clients will also be able to support externally proposed resolutions. We are an ‘as well as’ not an ‘instead of’ - we bolt on to any and every equity containing vehicle, without requiring changes in fund composition.

We empower individuals to use the voting power of the $40 trillion they own in listed equity, to support externally proposed resolutions so that they trigger minority shareholder rights on the issues that matter to them onto the only corporate agenda that truly counts - the legally binding AGMs.

Our citizen shareholders are tomorrow's loyal investors, with optimised financial returns, empowered to impact the behaviour of the corporations that dominate the planet.

Citizen Shareholders allows you, the Asset Manager, to focus on asset allocation, whilst maximising your ROI.

Benefits of empowering your funds with Citizen Shareholders:

  • Engage: your clients

  • Empower: their ethical decision-making

  • Earn: greater market share*

What will it cost you?

  • A '1 in a million' AUM onboarding fee (e.g. an AUM of £1 billion would mean an onboarding fee of £1000)

  • 1% of what you charge your customers, but only once they choose to use our service

  • Positive annual ROI if market share grows by >1%, and churn rate is reduced by <1%

  • Opportunity for Early Adopters to participate in Equity

Strategic benefits of early adoption:

  • Drive up revenue and profit - you keep 99c on the dollar on new business

  • Drive down expenses - if you factor in the free marketing coverage

  • Drive up retention - benefit from the largest ever wealth transfer

*80% of people surveyed would choose an Ethically Engaged Impact Fund over a conventional fund. (60-99% range across all demographics - from retirees to millennials/Gen Z's)