
Citizen Shareholders is a radical new approach to ethical investing. It is a fintech - it provides a service to asset managers that converts any collective investment, active or passive, into ethically engaged impact funds by transforming indirect shareholders into Citizen Shareholders.

As well as voting at General Meetings of Shareholders, Citizen Shareholders will also be able to support externally proposed resolutions so that they can trigger minority rights. What we believe is unique about our value proposition is our ability to aggregate support across all jurisdictions as well as all Asset Managers. It is an ‘as well as’ not an ‘instead of’ in that it bolts on to any and every equity containing vehicle, without requiring changes in fund composition.

We empower individuals to use the voting power of the $40 trillion they own in listed equity, to support externally proposed resolutions so that they trigger minority shareholder rights on the issues that matter to them onto the only corporate agenda that truly counts, the legally binding AGMs.

who are individual citizen shareholders?

Individual Citizen Shareholders are:

  • The 100+ million indirect shareholders in the US

  • The two thirds of the working population in the UK

  • The 300+ million people globally who are currently denied the right to vote the shares they own through their collective investments